We were deemed through our actions & practices A Legacy Preservationist Breeders by our vets and our Colleagues in two of our dog clubs. Any breeder using a any of these "WORDS" means that they truly do what we have set out to do. You may want to grill them on what it means to be a Legacy Preservationist Breeder (these are not just words but a lifestyle)

Bajoron has made/ is making, that effort to preserve the Breed in a way that will see it survive beyond our efforts and years in the breed. It is the fancy who follow us, their responsibility to take this charge as seriously as we have since the late 1970s when we first started our journey. Again these are not just words but a lifestyle with our breed that strives to leave the breed in a better place after we stop breeding that when we started breeding.

What makes Bajoron VASTLY different than these other breeders pretending to do the job? Many breeders only want to give you a false sense of safety in their declarations in their efforts to sell puppies. Bajoron has possibly the only pedigrees devoted to the breed who do not hold the amount of Illness in their lines that our competitors hold. We would love to use some famous show dogs and studs but realize that many hold lines that don't just win but also hold illnesses that are easily passed on to your puppies!


Bajoron Bouvier is a Legacy Preservationist Breeder

What Specifically is a Historic Preservationist Approach to Bouvier Breeding?

Historic preservation is a dialogue with our past that speaks to our future*1.
It provides us with Opportunities to ask, “What is important in the History of The Bouvier des Flandres *2 ?” 
“What parts of our past can we preserve for the future of the Breed?” *3
We have an ongoing work ethic that is producing the physical embodiement of the written standard and maintaining Functional and Cognitive Integrity.

Historic preservation of The Bouvier des Flandres Breed is an important way to preserve the pedigreed of the past for Future Generations of Bouvier Dog Fancy. Bajoron invests in the preservation and promotion of the breed with all our passion and perserverance of diversity in the breed pedigrees we utilize while simialtaneously using Best Practices and Knowledge Based Data driven decisions to use certain dogs that are not LIne bred or closely related if the pedigree has proven to manifest illness or anamolies that do not speak well for the breed. Bajoron never ceases these efforts but but continues efforts to improve and make sound the breed and its future.

Utilizing Mentors Advisement, Knowledge based Breeding, Best Veterinary Practices, University Grade and Bouvier Foundation Health Initiatives Bajorons carries out each planned LItter with the most thought of any Breeder we have knowledge of. We hold ourselves to a high standard and it can be daunting many times in our quest.

We do not lose the dogs that have sent us to this point. We have preserved the Iron eyes lines the Blue Grass LInes, the War Line, the Canadian lines that continue to garner awards. We have even taken some of the best lines that the Main stream Bouvier fancy can't seem to understand to create the best of the best.

How does it relate to Legacy?

Our Bouviers deserve a pristine Inheritance, birthright that is one of treasured dogs and figures of prominence *4. Giving these emblematic Dogs a way forward allows the legacy to live on and Creates heritage that will be allowed to course through future generations of Bouvier des Flandres.

Therefore Bajorons Quest to maintain Historical Heritage That Preserves these Figures with care not to Line Breed and spoil the characteristics by accentuating negative traits is always foremost (Health, Structural Quality, Character, Color and Temperament). Continuing these lines with careful maintenance is what needs to be carried foward. Never choosing in desperation the dogs who will carry on the Historical Giants of the Past without Health Testing, and avoiding heavily saturated additions to continue the lines. It takes hours of research and development to become a Legacy Preservationist Breeder. *5

It is with Hours of intense education, being mentored by a breeder who holds health as a foundation block of success and then adds structure, temperament, movement and character to complete the dog is the ingrediants that define a Legacy Preservationist Breeder. LPBs do not need to have a critique by a colleague. A LPB sees where they need to impove and strives to meet those goals. instead of wallowing in self granduer the LPB sees faults and can't think of anything more than to rid the line of these culpabilities, while improving the health, appearance, temperament, structure and character for better outcome in the subsequent offspring, They will not stop till the job is done.

LPB does not see a show championship as the end all, but they see a show as a proving ground that can put sparkle on product. Many a champion has poor coat, poor movement, bad dentition and over all does not deserve to be shown. An LPB does not weigh their dogs as champions but weighs their dogs against their own high standards for excellence. Faults are not justified but met with Knowledge based comparison in siblings and cousins to attempt to eradicat any portion of the dogs that are not desired.

Legacy Preservationist Breeders will NOT walk away from the completed litters who yielded puppies that grew to dogs and were considered assets to their owners and to the breed. It is not considered success if it can not be reproduced again and prove that these successes are not anomolies. Bajorons strive to know every aspect of the dogs they have produced. The knowledge of these puppies and how they developed makes Knowledge based learning possible.

The LPB will only have to investigate illness in a very small percentage of their dogs maybe one out of every 20 litters or less. The reason for this is they studied the pedigrees before they bred and avoided the line bred and sick lines that history taught them about. They realize that the foundation to illnesses is in the foundation dogs of the 1890s to 1920s. The illnesses did not emerge randomly but are found in those dogs who created the Bouvier des Flandres. It is naive to believe that the illnesses do not live on in the genetic makeup of the breed and its many members.

Legacy breeders will never shy from "owning" what they produced. They are proud and will not hide if their is an issue. They keep good records and can provide a lifetime of data of each litter.
LPK is always striving to minimize, eliminate and produce the BEST not second best but the best for you and other clients.

Legacy breeders also provide for their clients knowledge, guidance, and they provide for their buyers support and never withhold complete pedigree knowledge. They bring to their buyers a healthy well adjusted puppy that holds potential for a long and wonderful life.

Best practices for themselves and for the future of the breed is what a LPB is always about nothing less!




References Defined:

We do not want you to think the above is merely "Word Salad" we have put together the true meaning / definitions behind the concepts:




The future of the breed
The future of the breed lies with each breeder who put forth a litter. If any of those puppies from that litter procreate the future has been altered. Every person whether they take it personally or not is charged with leaving the breed in better shape than they found it. The future brings with it both good breedings and bad actors feigning they are good breeders. With sound judgement we strive to dismiss the bad practices and embrace that which makes the breed display sound structure, excellent temperament, smooth and powerful movement and character that exceeds the owners expectations.




What is important in the History of extreme indepth knowledge ofThe Bouvier des Flandres ?
1 Past kennels and the dogs they produced
2 The breed standand and how it has changed and what are the strengths and weaknesses of those changes either intended or unintended
3 What dogs from the past carry illnesses that are damaging to the breed
4 what dogs carry excellent structure, temperament, movement, color, pattern and other admirable qualities that should be pushed forward.
5 Out of numbers 3 &4 which ones of these dogs holds illneses that make their insertion questionable as to the positive significance they may bring or endanger the breed quality in geno type?




Historic preservation of The Bouvier des Flandres Breed is an important way to preserve the pedigreed of the past for Future Generations of Bouvier Dog Fancy.
1 Using the Champions of the past that were emblematic in our breed without the over use of that line that carries the illnesses which were pushed forward through the dogs that were shown and illustrated Glaucoma, Heart Disease and Cataracts. Those dogs are minimized to a point that their entry in to a pedigree is negligable. The use of these Champions is key in bringing the breed forward to build on those champions and their assets.
2 Turning away from alteration of the standard which will ultimately change the breeds abilitiy to complete the jobs it was bred primarily to do. Function dictates form, not the other way around.
3 Perserving the pristine structural qualities of the canine form which makes it fluid and easily a working, herding breed. Many breeds hold the same structural integrity points as the Bouvier des Flandres breed, legs under body, good shoulder angulation, large heads, alert and clear eyes, muscular hips and legs, sprung ribs and powerful loins. These over all structural canine qualities on a dog make them healthy and good subjects to continue their species. Each variation has slight differences but the over all body structure while larger, smaller, longer, thicker or thin all need balance and symetry to maintain structural integrity and grace in movement.
4 Respecting and producing the High cognitive abilities of the Bouvier and not diminishing the exceptional level of thought through line breeding which diminishes intelligence in all living beings.
5 enhancing the many colors and assets of these vast variations of the breed and not diminish these variations so that the future fancy may also enjoy Brindle, Fawn, Black and all the combinations of these pignmentations and their correct presentation. Never falling prey to parti colored or saddled versions but making a roadmap of historical alterations that are reprehensible and not what the standard intended. These colorations are easily mapped and identified through careful study and research (knowledge based breeding)



*4 Treasured dogs figures of Prominence

Dogs within our breed who carry the traits (structure, movement, temperament, character
and over all excellence that needs to be brought forward into the current breed pool of todays dogs so that others can enjoy the original breed heritage. What are those traits?
1 courage
2 structure as outlined by the breed standard
3 movement that will allow the dog to work or withstand extended activity without fatique
4 character of the original dogs, high intelligence, independent thought and the ability to solve problems without guidance
6 Dogs who have championed but not been primarily flooded with the same gene pool dogs to create the dog itself. Healthy outcrossed pedigree that holds substantially important figure head dogs.



*5 Avoiding heavily saturated additions to continue the lines. It takes hours of research and development to become a Legacy Preservationist Breeder. avoiding specific signs and bad practices. . . .
To avoid heavily saturated lines means to stay true to oneself in that you study each pedigree that you incorporate in to your breeding.
Lately the lines of H litter and their foundation dogs is the standard that other breeders NOT Bajoron find to bring their kennels notariety in the show ring. This use of these highly line bred dogs carries with it a huge chance that you will have illness in the puppies you produce.
-To not have a grasp of this line that causes this
-to set aside the lessons of the past which came in to focus in 2003 at our Bouvier Nationals
-to ignore the progression of each H litter dog as they fell ill and came down with Glaucoma
-to see your own puppies from this sick line come down with SAS or heart disease and ignore the illness and dimiss it with "this happens".
-To hide behind the OFA and health checks and believe that strong carriers of the H litter can't and don't pass on illness
- To see the signs crop up in your line, small heads, illness, small dogs of diminished size
In short to recognize these signs and not regroup and restart with clean and pristene dogs who are not line bred is to put a stake in the heart of the breed. To damn the future of the breed to produce Puppies/dogs that carry illness at a high rate and to put out the flame that is the Bouvier des Flandres.